Osteoarthritis of the knee joint can occur in people of any age. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment - all the information you need to make the right treatment decision.
21 December 2023
What is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine? Pathology causes, symptoms and stages of development. Cervical osteochondrosis diagnosis, prevention and treatment methods - drugs, physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy, exercise therapy, Shunt collar and orthopedic pillow.
13 December 2023
What is cervical osteochondrosis and how does it manifest itself? Stages of the disease. What is the danger of cervical osteochondrosis? How to treat the disease?
5 December 2023
What is arthrosis of the joints? Symptoms and stage of disease development. Diagnosis and treatment of joint arthrosis.
28 October 2023
Osteochondrosis - what is it and how to treat spinal chondrosis? Signs, causes and symptoms of back osteochondrosis. Which doctor treats osteochondrosis?
28 October 2023